Complaints and concerns
You can make a complaint about the health, performance or conduct of a registered health practitioner in NSW. Councils have three different pathways for managing these different types of complaint.

How we work

This page covers more specific information about the procedures and possible outcomes in the management of a complaint againt a practitioner.
General inquiries
This section provides information and contact details for general inquiries, media enquiries, complaints and interpreter services.
Frequently asked questions FAQ
This section includes some of the frequently asked questions about access to information.
Agency Information Guide Access to information
Under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act), each NSW Government department and agency is required to publish an annual Agency Information Guide. The guide sets out the structure, functions and role of a council. It also explains how you can...

Access to information

We are required to make certain information available and respond to requests for information. This means that information will generally be released unless there is an overriding public interest against disclosure. From 1 July 2010 the Government Information (Public...

Who we are

The Health Professional Councils Authority (HPCA) is the administrative body that supports the Health Professional Councils in NSW. The Health Professional Councils Authority (HPCA) is an administrative agency of the NSW Ministry of Health. Staff employed by the HPCA...

Legal Information

Our legal information section is a guide to the legislative and regulatory environment in which decisions are made under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (NSW) .

How we manage complaints

We protect the public and manage risk to public health and safety. We help make sure that registered health practitioners in NSW practise safely and competently. You can make a complaint about the health, performance or conduct of a registered health practitioner. We...

Complaint assessment

We manage complaints through our heath, performance or conduct pathway, depending on the issue.
